An Account of the Sami pp. 129-130
For Swollen Areas
When something is swollen, one must rub fat on it. And if that doesn’t reduce the swelling, then one must mix flecks of copper into the fat and apply that. Indeed there are some Sámi around who can reduce swelling simply by pressing on the swollen area with their hands, no matter how bad the swelling has gotten. A fine layer of birch bark is good for drawing out pus from a boil or some other swelling that is filled with such matter.
And when heat or cold or anything else enters a wound, causing the wound to swell and develop pus, then the same treatment is required: old fat is rubbed onto the wound, unless there is a healer around who can cure without such remedies.
Muitalus sámiid birra pp. 129-130
Go bohtana, de dasa galgá buoidi biddjojuvvot ala, ja jos ii velá buorrán, de galgá faskut veaikki dasa ja bidjat seahká. Gal sámit gávdnojit dakkárat nai, ahte go gehččet ja deattašit gieđain, de buorrána bohtaneapmi, vaikko livččii man bahá nai. Hui fiinna beassenárvi lea buorre geassit sieja olggos, go lea buogu dahje iežá sidjon bohtaneapmi.
Ja go hávvái manná liekkas dahje galmmas dahje iežá, mii váikkuha hávi bohtanit ja siedjut, de dasa maiddá dahkkojuvvo seammá ládje: boares buoidi biddjojuvvo ala, go eai leat dakkárat, mat máhttet jorgalit muđui ‒ almmá dálkasiid haga.
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