An Account of the Sami p. 121
For sore throat
“For a sore throat there is a remedy that comes from within: drinking human urine, although no more than a spoonful, along with stretching the neck in every direction and rubbing it. And turpentine is also used for a sore throat: one swallows a spoonful and also rubs it on the neck, and then the area is wrapped in a woolen kerchief overnight.”
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 125
Čottavihkái lea okta dálkkas oami iežas ‒ ol- bmo gožža – dan juhkat, vaikko ii eambbo go ovtta bastte dievva, ja fanahallat juohke guv- lui ja ruvvedit. Ja gal dearppát nai adnojuvvo čottavihkái ‒ gaccastuvvo bastte dievva ja vuidojuvvo olggobeale, ja de gissojuvvo ullo- gákkis birra čeabeha eahkedis.
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