Johan Turi's Medical Knowledge

A Descriptive Database by Thomas A. DuBois and Jon Lang

Reindeer illnesses

An Account of the Sami p. 31

About Reindeer Diseases

The first is called šlubbu, and 2) geardni, 3) njunnevihki, 4) ruodnu, 5) čagarvihki and such ailments as cause swelling in various places, the head, the back, or the thighs. And livzzavihki and oaivevuorra—and for that one must cut the ears off. And one ailment is such that the animal does not become worn out but rather paces about continually: it doesn’t run but just walks around in a circle.

A Little Explanation Concerning the Kinds of Reindeer Ailments Mentioned Above

Šlubbu is such that it swells up between the two halves of the hoof and starts to develop pus. And njunnevihki is such that the muzzle starts to develop scabs and these then spread to the tongue and mouth and proceed to the throat and then to the lungs and they kill the animal. And geardni is such that the udder develops scabs and swells and develops pus such that it falls off, and the cow licks the wound and it spreads into the mouth and it proceeds to the lungs and kills the animal. And čagarvihki is such that the penis swells so it is big and ugly. And ruodnovihki is such that the reindeer walks as if it were about to urinate, but nothing comes. And this ailment starts in the urethra and travels up into the bladder and starts to fill up all the intestines with pus and that kills the animal. Livzzavihki is such that the reindeer sometimes looks quite healthy but grows emaciated, and sometimes it becomes such that it cannot stand upright—its rear end sags so that its front end drags the back end along. And this ailment occurs in the winter too, but the other ailments stop in the winter. Šlubbu sometimes lasts for the whole winter, but it is not as bad then as it is in the summer, for it affects only some reindeer.

In hot summers many reindeer tend to lose their vision—there are certain insects that afflict the reindeer’s eyes. And sometimes they also go blind because they grow so tired in the spring that the fat in the eye becomes entirely dissipated, and then the eye of such a reindeer recedes like that of a dead reindeer. And if one hits the reindeer on the back of the neck the eyes turn white from eye disease. And there is an ailment in reindeer eyes which often develops and which is called dieigečalbmi. And this is a cure: a louse is placed in the eye and sometimes sulphur.

And in a hot summer that are such insects which leap about and when there are many of these, old people tend to say that there will be much šlubbu.

A Little about Treatments for Reindeer Diseases Mentioned Above

For šlubbu, a treatment is to smear everything in the area that is affected with a mixture made by boiling bark until it is as thick as tar. And the same treatment can be used for njunnevihki, čagarvihki, and laskkiidanvihki [i.e., livzzavihki]. And for ruodnovihki one must take fish oil and butter and tar and gunpowder, and boil these together and then pour it down the animal’s throat. For geardni, one must take hoof fat and boil it with pine or fir resin, then rub the affected areas with this mixture. And this treatment can also be used for njunnevihki in calves.

Jieska is bad: there is no cure for it other than if a twin bites the animal. No cure has been found for livzzavihki, but one remedy has been created: one pours strong rum or cognac down the animal’s throat and then ties the reindeer up so that it cannot eat anything for a full day, and then it will get better. But if the whole herd grows sick, this is of no use; one cannot do much for them at that point, nor does one dare try, for the herd has a bad odor that can be unhealthy for people too, when hundreds of animals are sick together and grow sick in a short time, and then hundreds die at a time at the height [of the epidemic].

Muitalus sámiid birra p. 31

Bohcco dávddaid birra

Vousttaš lea šlubbu ja 2) geardni, 3) njunnevihki, 4) ruodnu, 5) čagarvihki ja dakkár vigit mat álge bohtanit sahte saji oaivvis ja čielggis ja čoarbealis. Ja livzzavih- ki ja oaivevuorra – ja dasa lea goansta čuohppat beljiid eret. Ja okta vihki lea dakkár, ahte ii leat nu vuoimmeheapmi ge, muhto jorrá birrat- birra álo, muhto ii ruohta, muhto vázzá birra jorbadassii.

Čilgehus veaháš daid ovdalis muita- luvvon bohccuid vihkesorttaid birra

Šlubbu lea dakkár, dat bohtana gazzagaska ja de álgá siedjut. Ja njunnevihki lea dakkár, dat ruobbu njunni – ja dat álgá njuokčamii ja njál- bmái ja manná čoddagii ja de geahppáide ja de goddá. Ja geardni lea dakkár, ahte dat ruobbu- da ruovssi ja bohtteha ja de siedjuda nu ahte gahččet eret – olles ruoksi – ja de áldu njoallu, ja de darvána njálbmái ja manná geahppáide ja goddá. Ja čagarvihki lea dakkár, ahte dat boht- teha čahkara nu ahte lea nu stuoris ja fasti. Ja ruodnovihki lea dakkár, ahte dat boazu čeagŋu álo dego livččii gožžame, muhto ii boađe ii mihkege. Ja dat vihki álgá gožžaoaris ja man- ná sisa gožžaráhkkui ja álgá siedjudit visot siskilušaid ja de goddá. Livzzavihki lea dakkár, ahte boazu lea muhtumin hui dearvvas oaidnit muhto guoirrada ja muhtumin boahtá dakkár, ii biso čuožžut ‒ bađageahči gahčada, dušše oaivegežiin geassá bađageaži. Ja dat vihki lea dálvet nai muhto iežá vigit nohket dálvái, muh- to šlubbu bistá muhtumin olles dálvvi – muhto ii nu bahá leat goit go geasset, dainna go ii leat go muhtun bohccos.

Báhkka gesiid lávejit olu bohccot čalmme- huvvat – dat leat dakkar lottit mat bostet čalmmiid bohccos. Ja šaddá dat dainna nai čalmmeheapmin, go vaibá giđđat nu ahte noh- ká čalbmebuoidi visot čalmmis eret, ja de rok- kaga čalbmi dego jápma bohccos. Ja jos časká niskesuona ala de maiddá dii get čalmmit. Ja lea okta vihki bohcco čalmmiin, mii šaddá dávjá mii gohčoduvvo dieigečalbmi. Ja de dasa lea dálkkas - dihkki biddjojuvvo čalbmái ja muhtu- min rišša. —

Ja báhkka geasi leat dakkár divrrit, mat njuikot, ja go dat leat olu de lávejit boares ol- bmot lohkat, ahte dalle šaddá šlubbovihki.

Veaháš dálkasat dáidda ovdalis muitaluvvon bohcco dávddaide

Šlubbui lea dálkkas - go vuoiddat visot dan ráji go lea vihki, ja de vuoiddat dakkáriin, mii lea vuššojuvvon muoraid bárkkuin dassážii go lea suohkat dego bihkka. Ja dat seammá lea dálkkasin njunnevihkái nai ja čagarvihkái ja laskkiidanvihkái. Ja ruodnovihkái galgá meara- vuoiddas ja vuodja ja bihkka ja ruvttat, ja dat [galget] vuššot ovttas ja de njoarrat sisa. Geard- nái galgá dahkat gazzavuojas - ja beahce- dahje guossagáhčiin vuoššat seahkálaga ‒ ja de vuoi- dat dainna. Ja misiid njunnevihkái lea maiddá dát dálkkas.

Jieska lea bahá – dasa ii leat dálkkas iežá go dat go juomitbealli gáská. Livzzavihkái ii leat gávdnon dálkkas, muhto lea okta dahkkon dálk- kas – go njoarrá garra romma dahje konjáh- te, ja de gálgá čatnat gitta bohcco, vai ii oaččo biepmu jándorii, de dearvvasnuvvá. Muhto go olles ealut álget, de ii dat ábot, ii ge daidda olle ii ge duostta. Dain lea nu bahá hádja nai – ahte dahká bahá olbmui nai – mat šaddet oktanaga čuohtin skibasin ja skihpet veaháš áiggi ja de jápmet čuohtin oktanaga – go lea alimus.

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University of Wisconsin - Madison