Lappish Texts
"XXXIII. The noaide-arts of the Lapps.
Some arts are dangerous, however, as when those do it [i. e. perform the witchcraft] who know only one noaide-art. Like those who take death-liquid from a corpse in a bottle. I heard that a Lapp who was my friend and relative said that he could put [evil] on [somebody] by such means that you could not send it back [i. e. conjure it away]. He told how that is, and it is this way: one takes from a dead person bloodwater from the fold of skin close to the spine. And then one gives that to a person, then he will die, but not too quickly. And that is hard to turn back.”
Sámi deavsttat
XXXIII. (p. 38) Sámiid noaidegoansttaid birra.
Muhto dat leat goit muhtun goansttat váralaččat, nu go dahket dat, mat eai máhte go ovtta noaidegoanstta, nu go dat geat váldet jámehis váigačázi láse sisa. Gullen ovtta sámi, mii leai mu ustit ja sohka, son dajai, ahte son sáhttá bidjat dakkár goansttain, ahte ii sáhte máhcahit. Ja son muitalii dan, got dat lea, ja de dat lea ná: váldit jámehis čielgeguoras náhkkelanjas varračázi; ja go dan addá olbmui, de dat jápmá, muhto ii ila hoahpus. Ja dan lea bahá máhcahit.
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