An Account of the Sami p. 132
“Nausea means that the person feels like vomiting very often and very severely. And a remedy for this is to vomit, or to measure a person’s belt with a finger span, the afflicted person’s belt by degrees, counting backwards from nine to one. And three times must one count this way and measure the person’s belt. And then this ailment, if it is there, will be cured."
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 132
Goaŧáhusvihki lea dakkár ahte olmmoš vuovssada hui dávjá ja hui garrasit. Ja dasa lea dálkkas vuoksámuš, dahje goartálastit skihpa olbmo boahkána vuosterehkegii, álgit ovccis ja lohkat ovtta rádjái. Ja dat galgá golmma geardde lohkkojuvvot ja goartálastot dat boagán. Ja jos lea dat vihki, de dat gal buorrána.
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