An Account of the Sami p. 131
For Jaundice
“Jaundice is another ugly disease. It turns a person yellow. One first notices it in the eyes, and then one’s finger and toe nails start to yellow, and one’s urine is also yellow. And a remedy for this is to prepare as much food as a person can bear to eat. And the foods must be of nine different kinds.
And another treatment is to take nine live lice and give them to the person to eat along with buttered frybread or gruel which is not so hot that it kills the lice. But it is not advisable to let the sick person know that there are lice in his food. The person may not eat if he knows that he is eating lice.”
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 131
Fiskesdávdda birra
Fiskesdávda lea maiddá okta fasttes dávda. Dat dahká olbmo fiskadin. Vuohččan álgá dovdot čalmmiin, ja gaccain vielgadasat álget fiskkodit, ja gožža lea maiddá fiskat. Ja dasa lea dálkkas: ráhkaduvvo biebmu dan meare go oktanaga nagada borrat, ja dat biepmut galget ráhkaduvvot ovcci sorttas.
Ja nubbi goansta lea: de galgá váldot ovcci dihki eallinaga, addot borrat biepmu siste, vuodjagáhkuin dahje juvccain, mii ii leat ila báhkas, vai eai buole dihkit jámas. Muhto ii leat vuogas, ahte diehtá skihpa olmmoš dan, ahte dihkit leat maid son borrá. Ii son gal sáhte borrat jos son diehtá, ahte dihkit leat maid son borrá.
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