An Account of the Sami p. 124
For Fainting Problems
“When one starts to have fainting spells, there is a treatment: burning one’s undergarments at once. And if they are not burned at once, it is hard to get rid of this ailment. But it can be gotten rid of if it has not destroyed too much of one’s blood circulation.
Blood letting is used to treat fainting spells too: one must open nine (9) veins and also the heart artery that runs to the head. This blood vessel runs between the eye and the ear and has many branches. And it is also a help in some kinds of toothaches, provided the pain is only in the upper jaw. But for the lower jaw, there is a blood vessel that runs over the lower jaw: when that is opened, it helps somewhat.”
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 124
Ja go jámálgaddanvihki šaddá, de lea okta goansta: boaldit liikebiktasiid jur dakkaviđe. Ja jos eai dakkaviđe leat boldojuvvon, de lea bahát oažžut eret, muhto gal dat ožžot go ii leat rihkkon liiggás bahui varragolgamuša.
Jámálgaddanvihkái maiddá rahppojit varrasuonat – máŋga, ovcci suona – ja das maid galgá rahppot oaivvis dakkár suonas, mii lea váibmosuotna. Dan suonas, mii manná bealji ja čalmmi gaskal ‒ manná bajás máŋgga suorrái ‒ ja lea das muhtun bátnevihkái nai áhpu, jos vihki lea beare badjebeales. Muhto go lea vuollebeale bániin, de lea okta suotna mii manná badjel ollola – rahpat dan, lea das nai veaháš áhpu.
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