An Account of the Sami p. 127
Dangerous Water
An account of what happens when a person swallows a frog’s egg. It will grow into a big frog and start to make the sounds that it typically makes. And if one can’t get rid of it, it will take one’s life. There are not many methods for accomplishing this. The Sámi will give blood to drink so that the person vomits. Rotten fish entrails are also used for this purpose. And if the frog will still not come out, they stick the reindeer’s biggest leg tendon down the person’s throat right into the person’s stomach, and then one has to throw it up. And if it still won’t come out, that person will surely die. And when it does come out, it is as red as blood.
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 127
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Muitalus go cubbo meađđimiid juhká olmmoš, de dat šaddet stuora cuoppun. Ja álgá atnit jiena dego su jietna lea ge ‒ ja jos ii oaččo olggos, de váldá heakka. Dasa eai leat olu goansttat sámis‒ addo varra juhkat, vai vuovssada, ja mieskan guollečoliid. Ja jos ii velá boađe olggos, de coggojuvvo bohcco stuorimus juolgesuotna njálmmi sisa gitta čoavjái, ja de ferte gákkastahttit. Ja jos ii boađe olggos, de gal jápmá olmmoš. Ja go dat olggos boahtá, de lea nu ruoksat dego varra.
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