An Account of the Sami p. 124
“Constipation requires this treatment: one takes a leg bone from a goat and sands it very smooth. And then one takes the bladder of a calf and gets it nice and dry. Then oatmeal is needed: one places equal measures of warm water and oatmeal in the bladder. And then one end of the leg bone is inserted into the bladder and the other end into the person’s rear end. And then one squeezes the bladder that is attached to the hollow bone, and the enema goes into the person’s colon. And then everything will come out.
And a woman can use this same method when she has a urinary stoppage. But a man cannot. Instead, a man must do the following: one scrapes off some soot from the bottom of a pot or kettle and this is rubbed on the outside of the penis. And this has been shown to work.
In olden times, they didn’t have the kind of grain that people use nowadays when they are constipated. But they did a similar thing by putting warm water and the fat from reindeer bones—the finest sort of fat—in the bladder device.”
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 124
Oppohatvihkái atnet dákkár goanstta: gáicca juolgedákti, ja [dat] dahkkojuvvo hui fiidnát, ja nubbi dahkkojuvvo gálbbi gožžaráhkus ja goikaduvvo siivvut ja čábbát, ja de galget hávvarrievnnat. Ja de galgá báhkka čáhci ja rievnnat ‒ bealle goabbat, ja dat biddjojuvvojit dan gožžaráhku sisa dievva. Ja dan gáiccadávtti [galgá] bidjat dan gožžaráhku sisa nuppi geahčái, ja nubbi geahči olbmo bahtaráigái coggojuvvo. Ja dat gožžaráhkku, mii lea dan ráigedávtti nuppi geažis, de dat božistuvvo, ja de dat manná sisa bahtačoallái ‒ ja de beassá olggos.
Ja nisoolbmui sáhttá dahkat seammá ládje go gožžaoarri [lea] buđđošuvvame, muhto dievdoolbmui ii sáhte seammá ládje, muhto dasa dahkkojuvvo iežá ládje: faskojuvvo báhte- dahje gievdnevuođus giehpa, ja ruvvejuvvo dainna buoža olggobeale, ja dat ábuha ‒ dat lea geahččaluvvon.
Boares áiggis eai leat leamaš rievnnat dasa ge, go olmmoš [leai] obbon, maid dáláš olbmot atnet dan vihkái ábu lassin. Muhto dološ áiggis dahke seammá ládje, muhto dat čáhci, mii biddjui dan gožžaráhku sisa, leai iežásorttat liegga čáhci, ja bohcco dáktevuodja ‒ lea gait fiidnámus vuodja.
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