An Account of the Sami p. 123
Chest Pain
“Sámi often have ailments in the chest, and these can rise into the head and sink to the legs. And for these ailments there is a treatment: blood is let from the body vein. This blood vessel runs along the inward side of the leg in the ankle, and below that along the inward side of the foot. And on the outward side of the leg, one lets blood to treat problems with the back or hips. And if a person loses appetite and then has a pain in the chest, one lets blood from above the foot.
When there are chest pains that do not extend to the head or legs, then the blood is let from the inward side of the arm at the armpit, from the blood vessel that runs along the lower side of the arm. And another vein runs along the upper side of the arm, and headache blood is released from this vein when a person has a headache. But this place is not suitable for pain in any other part of the body other than the head. And when a person is suffering from shoulder pain, one should let blood from between the fingers of the hand. And if there is a shooting pain somewhere, then one lets blood from the outer side of the arm.”
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 123
Sápmelaččain lea dávjá ratti vuolde vihki, ja dat loktana oaivái ja luoitá julggiide, ja dan vigi dálkkas lea: luito varra rumašvarrasuonas. Dat suotna lea juolggi siskkobealde giesahagas, ja das vuollelis juolgelábi siskkobealde. Ja olggobealde luite juolggis fas čielgevigis ja spiralvigis. Ja go nohká borranlustu ja gullo ratti vuolde, de luito lábis bajil.
Ja go lea rattis vihki, ii ge jođe oaivái ii ge julggiide, de luitojuvvo gieđas ‒ siskkobealde giehtagávas, dan suoris mii boahtá vuollebeale gieđa. Ja nubbi suorri boahtá bajil, ja das luitojuvvo oaivebávččasvigis, go lea oaivi bávččas, ii ge leat iežá báikkis go oaivvis. Ja go lea hárdus vihki, de luitojuvvo gieđas suorbmagaskkas. Ja go lea vuoissahat, de rahppo olggobeale gieđas.
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