An Account of the Sami p. 131
For Back Aches
One’s back can often become sore. And a back ache is very painful: it is as if the back has gotten stuck in a certain position, or as if one were carrying a heavy pack around. And such aches come from hard work and also from sleeping on hard ground and from many other things as well, including too much sleep. The blood gets stopped or thickens so that it stops circulating properly. And if the ache is not too bad, it can be healed with massage, and by pulling and stretching the skin so as to loosen it up.
Muitalus sámiid birra p. 131
Ja vuhččohagat leat davja sealggis nai. Ja dat lea nu, ahte go lea vuhččodan sealgi, de lea nu bávččas, ja lea dego livččii doallame, ja lea dego livččii noađđi sealggis. Ja dat boahtá garra barggus, ja boahtá das nai go nohkká garra nohkkansajis, ja máŋgga iežásorttat áššis ‒ olu nohkkamis maiddái. Dat bisána varra ‒ dahje dadjet: varra lohppe - ja go ii leat ila bahui, de gal buorrána ruvvedemiin, ja go gaiku náhki ja fanahallá náhki vai luovvana.
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