Distribution of Snow
(numbers refer to page references for Ryd and Rassa's book)
Terms for distribution:
bulltje snow adhering to objects
Image by Team Reindeer
Image by Snow bunnies
fáska (a North Sámi term; see Jernsletten 103) snow blown together by the wind, snowdrift
Image by Don Cheadle's Understudy
Image by Wypaw
maddabievla (230) snowless area around the trunk of a tree
Image by Food Science Girl
Image by Team Helga
Image by Tom
Image by Snowmageddon
muorabievla (230) snowless area under the branches of a tree
Image by Tom
Image by Smilla
Image by Reinbeer
garvatjimbievlla (295) alternating patches of snow and ground, making skiing harder (but see below)
Image by Ttwedt
vádtsembievlla (242) alternating patches of ground and snow, in which it almost becomes pointless to try to ski rather than walk (more extensive than garvatjimbievlla)
Image by Jay Ansary
stuor bievla (243) large patches of open ground, alternating with snow. Forms in the spring as snow is melting, particularly in mountains. It is no longer possible to ski in such an area (more extensive than vádstembievlla) (see illustration above)
báhtset (164) tracks of animals, skis, or vehicles that remain after the surrounding snow has melted away and disappeared, often marking established paths or trails.
Image by Minnesnowta
muohtarievta (247) remaining patches of snow that have not disappeared while all the surrounding snow has melted away
Image by Buckys Pals