Pilgrim Reindeer in Pisa, 1348

a free multimedia novel by

Thomas A. DuBois, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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 Part II. The Hansa Lands and France. 31. Lëtzebuerg and the Duke [November 10, 1347]

This chapter let me explore a little the culture of Luxembourg, a place that I have always enjoyed visiting and which stands as one of the really big little places in the Low Countries. Jang de Blannen was an incredibly powerful figure in his day and the story of his death became a symbol of the norms and ideals of chivalry which the Hundred Years' War destroyed. I also enjoyed having the innkeeper curse Edward the Black Prince. Her curse--i.e., that he should never come to the throne--certainly came to pass. So, too, the chapter let me suggest a little of the past of Jacques. He lets it slip that he was at the Battle of Crécy, perhaps in the musical ensemble which King Philippe had engaged to play during the battle.