Welcome to the Resource and Information Page for

Volume II: Place

Part of the four-volume Comparative History of Nordic Literary Cultures.


Beginning the Writing Process


Once you have agreed and suggested a topic for your essay, we will bring you in contact with the other contributors writing on that scape. It is important that each writer make use of the knowledge of the others to establish a regional overview of the topic.

We don't expect regional coverage within each scapes essay; instead, for this section of the volume, we prefer essays based on a particular idea, a particular argument, telling a particular story of interest about the region and its literature with regard to place. Nevertheless, it is important for every contribution to this section to somehow reflect the topic in its regional diversity, at the very least by making deliberate choices as to what subjects and places to address and not to address. For this purpose, we will ask you, within a limited period of time, to suggest authors, texts and ideas to the other writers within the scape.

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For more information on the editors,visit our homepages:

Dan Ringgaard and Tom DuBois

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